Mrs. Claudia Fonseca » Curriculum Technology & Intervention (CTI) Coach

Curriculum Technology & Intervention (CTI) Coach

Before joining the Foster Community three years ago, I taught 5th and 6th grades for almost 20 years. In my current role as a CTI Coach, I have the pleasure of facilitating professional development and supporting teachers in the implementation of Curriculum, Technology and Intervention. Working with students who attend my W.I.N. Time is one of my favorite parts of the school day! During this time, students set individual skill-based goals, monitor and track their progress in data binders. I am very lucky to be a Foster Falcon and SOAR alongside all of you!
Distance Learning is Here!
     We are all facing the challenge of adapting to distance learning and everything that comes along with it. Teachers and students alike are working hard to continue learning at home, while our school buildings are closed. And let me tell you, it is amazing to see what you all are doing! Our staff, students and families are coming together to make sure your learning opportunities continue as best as possible. We miss you and look forward to seeing you soon! Meanwhile, keep SOARING! #YOUarefosterfalconstrong #staysafe