Girls on the Run 5K on May 11th

Girls on the Run (GOTR) is new to Foster this year, but we are proud to report we have 20 girls in grades 3-5 on our team! Girls enjoy the lesson skills and topics discussed, as well as getting to know each other during our sessions. The topics and skills learned can apply to everyday situations - whether with friends at school, during GOTR, or at home. Learning about their uniqueness and communicating feelings are two favorites, so far. Girls have also learned about pushing preconceived limits. They have, in their own way, become physically and mentally stronger. Team Foster just recently completed a Practice 5K, and the girls were outstanding. It's amazing to see the individual growth that continues to take place!
To parents/guardians of Girls on the Run participants:
Don't miss the Parent Square messages because it is time to register as a Running Buddy. You will find all the details there.
Mrs. Fonseca
Mrs. Sanchez